The Key to Taking Risks in Life and Business | Virtual Fireside Chat

And even though the risk of failure is so low for us right now , there's still fear of taking that step . A voice telling you not to what are different ways that we can conquer that fear . Also , why do you curse so much ?

VaynerX Presents: Marketing for the Now: Back to School Edition

Things like public speaking and a kid at the age of 9 , 10 years old doing a speech in front of tens , if not hundreds of people . Um and , and overcoming that fear and then becoming a master speaker that you don't get that in school , right ? So we are definitely expanding the toolkit and I love Sophie's your conversation with Sophie .

"Is the Internet Hurting the Youth?" | DailyVee 608

But at the same time I have something that is keeping me at a certain level . Maybe it's , it's over the fear , like the fear of what fear that's this . At the end of the day , the thing I think that makes me not scared is I know that all of them don't care because their judgment shouldn't matter to you because you have to realize it doesn't matter to them .

Life-Changing Advice on Mindset, Identity & Gratitude W/ Damon West

I'm afraid of . The more you address these fears and deal with that , especially speaking to people and being , you know , outfront and outspoken , the better you get at it . But I , I was born with that though .

Don't Live For the Algorithm, Live For Your Happiness | GaryVee Audio Experience

And from actually being in the whole , their whole self , not just a little piece of their self . What is your advice to those people who , who know it's there , but who just can't necessarily pull it out of themselves in a way they can show it to start working and putting in the work on the elimination of fear . The thing that is stopping everyone is fear , the fear that most stops people is the fear of other people's judgments more than the fear of not having money , which is in which is like profoundly interesting because one money has a level of practicality .